Episode 12: Agent-Based Simulation of CBDC

Show notes

FNA’s technology enables decision makers and business analysts to easily uncover hidden connections, access and understand complex networks and create dashboards & simulations.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have seized global attention, featuring broadly in central bank strategies.

Today, 87 central banks are currently looking to introduce digital currencies in the near future, however the impacts of CBDCs are still relatively unknown.

Many questions frequently cross the minds of regulators, banks and payment companies worldwide. What impact will introducing a CBDC have on the financial and economic system? Can CBDC’s be configured without largely impacting the banking sector balance sheet? Could card companies suffer a substantial decline in their transaction revenues? We will try to answer some in this episode.

Comments (1)

Kimmo Soramaki

Here is a link to the research paper https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3959759

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